Website designed & hosted by gloria woodard by Homestead
Hello and welcome to MY OFFICIAL ONLINE WEBSITE.  I'm excited!   Come back often so you can check out all God wants to reveal and learn a little more about the Word of God, because there is Power In The Word Of God.  This is not a church facility. This is an ONLINE SITE!
This is an ONLINE MINISTRY of TREASURES to write down as I  listen to give a word of encouragement that might be needed for you today.  This is a great time to hear 

from God to see what He has to say.   I began to create monthly Newsletters in the year of 2001-2002 that will touch hearts and lives. I know they touch mine first. This  time 

I’m taking it to another level to reach more people on the web. The Word of God has Power to create, bring to life, and destroy the enemies in your life. Take the joyous time 

to meditate on the Word of GodToday 10-16-2024 PITWM launches the Spanish Scripture Archives. I'm endeavoring to reach the masses. Be Blessed!

SALVATION comes through the Son of God who is Savior of the world. His name is Jesus, who came to save sinners from sin, giving you  the choice to make  the 

decision to receive Eternal Life with Him. 

IN GIVING OUT HIS WORD, I believe that  anyone who will hear and take time to receive will be blessed. His word is active and alive, able to pierce your inner thoughts

and the intent of your heart. May  His LOVE through His word quicken your spirit to Believe all things are possible through Jesus Christ!. 

                                                                                                                                                                                      Love to you, In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Gloria Jean Woodard. 
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For the Word of  God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to 
the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts 
and intents of the heart.   Hebrews 4:12